Ho Chao-ti


Ho Chao-ti

Five years ago she started filming stories about clothes and shoes. As fate would have it, she visited a production line for brand-name high-heeled shoes. She discovered that making a pair of shoes is really complicated, and involves materials from many different places. At the time she thought, if she traced further and further upstream from this production line, what would she see? And where would her search for these people lead her? On the other hand, if she explored the downstream end of this production line, whose feet would ultimately wear these beautiful shoes? From upstream to downstream, how different would be the dreams that each of these people have?

So it was that she started to search for the main characters of this story, and also to ask them what their dreams were. This was a wholly unforgettable experience. From extreme poverty to extreme affluence, she saw disparities in this world that truly make a person sigh.