
Pitching Session

Filmmaking story tellers of the natural world are invited to take advantage of this unique opportunity to pitch their planned project to a board of commissioners, producers and distributors at the PITCHING SESSION of the GREEN SCREEN Festival 2024.

To participate, the following must be submitted:

  1. An Exposé, describing the project should be described, including approximate shooting time, locations and the people involved (example Template Pitching (PDF)).
  2. A short CV.
  3. An approximate budget idea.
  4. If available, a trailer or other footage.

Submission Deadline May, 31th 2024

Application to pitching session

Bewerbung zur Pitching Session eng

Indicated for the Festivalorganization
Exposé: max. 2 Pages, short desciption of the Project, planned time of filming, film locations and possible Protagonists
CV: Max. 1 Page, Short CV with Photo and Filmography

* mandatory fields

To data protection statement