Sebastian Kentner

Country: Deutschland

Sebastian Kentner

Sebastian Kentner is 35 years old and works as author and TV producer. He studied philosophy and media studies in Amsterdam and Potsdam, followed by a practical training as TV editor. He is now working for Story House Productions in Berlin. Since 2011he is working regularly for the ZDF series ‘Terra Xpress’. Furthermore he contributed as editor to the Terra X-series „Pioniere“ („Stahlkrieg an der Ruhr“ and „Siegeszug der Düsenjets“), which was awarded the Ernst-Schneider-Preis in 2013.
For RTL he tracked down kid-napped children in foreign countries, together with detectives and the authorities, and brought them back to their parents.
His latest project for ‘arte’ took him to Cambodia for several weeks.

Terra Xpress: Bees, Wasps and Bumblebees
Award of the Juvenile Jury 2014