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Saving the King´s Horses

Trakehner horses are considered the oldest breed of German riding horses dating back to 17th century Eastern Prussia. Initially bred for King Frederick William I and his cavalry the Trakehner horse is the epitome of a German riding horse.


Director: Harald Pokieser

1977 – 1985 Studium der Publizistik und Kunstgeschichte an der Universität Wien

1980 – 1981 Fullbright Stipendiat an der William Allan White School of Journalism, University of Kansas, Lawrence

1985 Dissertation und Promotion an der Universität Wien

Seit dem viele Naturdokumentationen u.a. für ORF und ZDF

50 Min.
Director: Harald Pokieser
Script: Harald Pokieser
Cinematography: Harald Mittermüller, Klaus Achter, Steffen Bohnert, Michael Fried, Josef Neuper, Benjamin Paya
Editing: Marleen Paeschke
Music: Andy Baum
Narrator: Otto Clemens
Editor: Terra Mater Factual Studios
Producer: Eine Produktion von Terra Mater Factual Studios
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