Ecosystem Coral Reefs

Coral reefs, due to their enormous variety of species can be compared to the tropical rainforests. Climate change and sea water acidification are the new dangers, which as in the rainforest, lurk in all parts of the world. This is in addition to such problems as over-fishing and pollution of the oceans, which have not yet been solved. Using many examples, the film offers us the basic knowledge to understand the complexities of this ecosystem.


Director: Gerd Haegele

[translate:] Der Biologe und Unterwasserkameramann Gerd Haegele arbeitete nach einem Australienaufenthalt u.a. als Wissenschaftsredakteur in einer großen deutschen Online-Redaktion und als Referent am Institut für Film und Bild in Wissenschaft und Unterricht (FWU).

44 Min.
Director: Gerd Haegele
Cinematography: Michael Jung, Gerd Haegele ( Unterwasserkamera)
Editing: Gerd Haegele, Adrian Campean
Music: Adrian Campean
Narrator: Hans-Jürgen Stockerl, Jean-Luc Julien (engl.)
Editor: Martin Bilfinger
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