Mäuse oder Wespen? Eine Bussard geschichte

Two birds of prey with quite a different menu: common buzzard and honey buzzard. How do they cope with the consequences? The honey buzzard has to start migration before it gets really cold. The common buzzard is more flexible. But every year they have ...


Director: Eberhard Meyer

Eberhard Meyer was working at the university for television and film in Munich
(Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film HFF) as an assistant and adjunct professor. Since 1975 he is a freelance writer and director. He is regulary travelling to Indonesia for enquiries and for the protection of species. 1999 he initialised the formation of the TURTLE FOUNDATION (Schildkröten-Stiftung). In 2001 he founded the company tigerbaby.tv media GmbH in Münsing-Ammerland

44 Min.
Director: Eberhard Meyer
Script: Eberhard Meyer
Cinematography: Ulrich Schramm
Editing: Brigitte Desinger
Music: Ulrich Rassy (Beratung)
Narrator: Gert Heidenreich
Editor: Angela Schmid