In far northern Australia lies a land that could not be more different to the arid landscapes that cover most of the continent. It‘s lush, green and wet. However, competition is fierce and to survive, every species has had to evolve their unique strategy.


Director: Joshua Mayo

Joshua Mayo
Born in 1986, Josh grew up in the Adelaide hills of South Australia where his fascination of animals began from an early age. In his youth he raised wildlife ranging from lizards to possums to emus.
After finishing high school he moved to Cairns, North Queensland to undertake a zoology degree - where he fell in love with the rainforest (the same as in his film "The Wild Wet"). After graduating from university with a Bachelor of Zoology, Josh was excited to try and communicate the pressing issues of conservation and amazing stories of science. Josh was accepted into a Master of Science Communication at the University of Otago in New Zealand where for the first time he learnt how to use a video camera.
Having now completed the film "The Wild Wet" Josh considers himself a competent and confident filmmaker. He is excited about the future, and the challenges and learning opportunities that he will encounter in a difficult but rewarding industry.
Best Independent Production 2015

Director: Moritz Katz

Moritz was born in 1984 in Germany. From an early age he explored the countryside of Germany and later exotic places around the world. Upon graduating high school, he spent one year in India for social work on an eco-farm. Excited by the tropical climate, the vivid culture and the stunning wildlife, he decided to study biology upon his return to Germany.
In 2011, he majored in tropical ecology at the University of Würzburg, which allowed him to do fieldwork in Costa Rica and Tanzania. This further nurtured his ambition to photograph and document the stunning wildlife of tropical countries.
With a university degree in hand, he was forced to make a decision on which career path to follow, research or wildlife filmmaking. He chose to follow his dream - wildlife filmmaking. In 2013, Moritz was accepted into a Master's degree at the University of Otago, New Zealand and learnt the art of filmmaking from some of the best in the field.

25 Min.
Director: Joshua Mayo, Moritz Katz
Script: Moritz Katz, Joshua Mayo
Cinematography: Moritz Katz, Joshua Mayo
Editing: Moritz Katz, Joshua Mayo
Music: The Scorelocks Collecitve, audionetwork
Narrator: Joshua Mayo
Awards: Best Independent Production 2015
Nominations: Best Independent Production 2015