A Genet's Tale

In a hidden corner of the Mediterranean forest three young genet cubs begin to discover the world. The little female leaves her family. She will find beautiful scenes, but a daunting reality is waiting. The common genet is the only genet in Europe.


Director: José Antonio Vallejo Oreja

The director José Antonio Vallejo Oreja (*1966) is also a forest ranger and a passionate naturalist. Producer, director, filmaker and cameraman in nature and anthropology films. Co- director of FICCAD, Doñana’s Scientific and Environmental Film Festival.

50 Min.
Director: José Antonio Vallejo Oreja
Script: José Antonio Vallejo Oreja
Cinematography: José Antonio Vallejo Oreja
Editing: José Antonio Vallejo Oreja
Music: Javier Arnanz
Narrator: x Florian Hoffmann
Producer: Planet Alive Films SL
Nominations: Award of the Juvenile Jury 2017