Der Stechlin - Im Reich der klaren Seen

The northern Brandenburg lies an enchanted lake chain. Rich in animals, the area has retained its original appearance today. Many lakes are crystal clear-an unusual universe of light. Called: Stechlin.


Director: Christoph Hauschild

Wildlife film producer Christoph Hauschild portrays a sensitive account of the Havel: Within the largest inland marshland of mid Europe thousands of cranes gather every year before they head south. Huge sea eagles find plenty of food from the numerous inshore waters and in neighbouring woodlands the large red deer bell. Foxes bring up their young. Stork nests are to be found on church towers and farmsteads, not far from quiet, marshy thickets, the habitat of the rare marsh toad.

45 Min.
Director: Christoph Hauschild
Script: Lothar Frenz
Cinematography: Christoph Hauschild, Christina Karliczek, Alexander Sommer, Victor Kutischev
Editing: Katrin Dücker-Eickloff
Music: Andreas Dicke & Thomas Onderka
Narrator: Hans-Peter Bögel
Editor: Ralf Quibeldey, Meyen Wachholz, Jörg Neumann