Mysterious Tiger Sharks

Fast as arrows, unpredictable and apparently insatiable, these elegant hunters of the high seas, in their striped outfits cause fear to any bather in the world. Their bad reputation, that of being more dangerous than the white shark, is also well known. Sigurd Tesche has been investigating the myth of the monster. He has travelled all over the world, investigating this robber and has brought breathtaking photos with him from South Africa, where they are trying to protect the beaches with a system of nets against sharks.


Director: Sigurd Tesche

[translate:] Sigurd Tesche (*1940 in Haan bei Düsseldorf) absolvierte nach der erfolgreichen Ausbildung an der Fachschule für Kunst in Gestaltung in Solingen, ein Volontariat bei dem renommierten Kameramann Peter Conrad. Nach Ablegung der Fotografenmeisterprüfung gründete er eine eigene Produktionsfirma und realisierte mehrere hundert TV-Produktionen.

43 Min.
Director: Sigurd Tesche
Script: Michael Leja, Sigurd Tesche
Cinematography: Sigurd Tesche
Editing: Monika Hertzfeldt, Sebastian Bergengruen
Music: Paul Rabinger
Narrator: Norbert Langer
Editor: Gabriele Conze (WDR)