Hannah Goes Wild - Die letzten Nashörner

The battle for the rhino horn has brought the pachyderms to the brink of extinction. The black rhinos of Namibia have become extremely rare, to find them: a sensation. The Save The Rhino Trust has been fighting to protect the animals for 30 years under the most adverse conditions. Hannah is allowed to accompany the anti-poaching unit of Save The Rhino Trust for one day on a tracking trip in the semi-desert. Here she experiences up close how complex the tracking for the protection of these animals is.

This film will be shown in the short film program for Kids 2022.


Director: Anna Maria Behrends

Anna Maria Behrends, who grew up in the idyllic southwest of Hamburg and at the picturesque Wörthsee in Bavaria, has been drawn to nature since childhood. After studying media technology, she initially developed and produced numerous factual entertainment formats for various public broadcasters, including the NDR series "Von Meisterhand - Traditionsberufe suchen Nachwuchs," which won the Herbert Quandt Media Award in 2012. In 2018, she then followed her heart's call for nature and species conservation topics and now implements them for Doclights / NDR Naturfilm as a producer. In 2021, she realized NDR Naturfilm's first online-only production as a director in Namibia: the species conservation series "Hannah goes wild" for the ARD Mediathek.

19 Min.
Director: Anna Maria Behrends
Script: Anna Maria Behrends
Cinematography: Julian Ringer
Editing: Federico Rinaldi
Music: Steffen Kaltschmid
Narrator: Hannah Emde
Editor: Fabian Döring (NDR)
Producer: Tina Muffert (Doclights GmbH / NDR Naturfilm)
Nominations: Audience Award Best Short Film for Kids 2022
Website URL: www.doclights.de