
Wie Chemieriesen unser Ökosystem zerstören

With its close-ups of insects, this film is an ode to the beauty of nature, but at the same time it names and shames the threat of the massive use of neonicotinoids, so-called "systemic" insecticides that permeate all plant cells. Since the 1990s, the total insect biomass has shrunk by 75 percent. The rapid decline affects all food chains: Fish and birds can no longer find enough to eat and are becoming fewer and fewer.


Director: Sylvain Lepetit

Director: Miyuki Droz Aramaki

France Belgium
92 Min.
Director: Sylvain Lepetit, Miyuki Droz Aramaki
Script: Sylvain Lepetit, Miyuki Droz Aramaki
Cinematography: Sylvain Lepetit, Miyuki Droz Aramaki
Music: Olivier Adelen
Editor: THEMA&Geopolitik, ARTE GEIE, Claudia Bucher
Awards: Best Science Film 2022
Nominations: Best Science Film 2022