Rather than revisit the “usual” California destinations, this award-winning team of filmmakers takes a stunningly entertaining look at California’s least-known scenic and wild wonders. They explore an active volcano, climb the tallest trees on earth, trek a desert made of sand from the Grand Canyon (really!), dive an underwater kelp forest, and tell the most amazing L.A. conservation story EVER!


Director: David Scheerer

David Scheerer is an independent filmmaker and scholar who for thirty years has taught at the University level while directing, producing and scripting award-winning features and documentary films for domestic and international venues.

United States
56 Min.
Director: David Scheerer
Script: Stan Cassell
Cinematography: Rick Rosenthal, Ron Chapple, Brian Wilcox, Andy Shillabeer, Tristan Whitman
Editing: Alina Taalman, Michelle Dobosh
Music: Pat Metheny
Narrator: Jane Fonda
Editor: David Scheerer
Producer: David Scheerer