planet e.: Das Hühner-Dilemma

Zwischen Tierwohl und Preisschlacht

The life of a broiler chicken is worth 10 cents: shockingly little. That's why many chicken farmers have to grow more and more chicks in their barns - to secure their income. But what are the consequences? In Germany alone, around 620 million broiler chickens are produced each year. Consumers here prefer chicken breasts. The chicken remains are exported. And they destroy local producer markets and farmers' livelihoods, for example in South Africa.

This film is shown in double feature 1.


Director: Kristin Siebert

Born 1980 in Nienburg. Studied media sciences, media technology and psychology in Braunschweig and Barcelona, graduating in 2006: Magister Artium with distinction.
From 2006 to 2013, worked as a researcher, editor and writer for the film and television production company Cinecentrum. There she supervised films that required sophisticated international research, including the technical-thematic supervision of the three-part series "Die Bombe" (ZDF, 2009). As a writer and director, in 2013 she wrote and directed the 2x45-minute primetime documentary "Nicht alles war schlecht" (ZDF).
Since 2014 Kristin Siebert has been working as a freelance writer and director, among others for: Spiegel Geschichte with the realization of the series "Deutschland, deine Geschichte" (250×11 min. SKY), for WDR with contributions for Quarks und Co., SWR with the historical documentary "70 Jahre Grundgesetz" (45 min. SWR) and for ZDF with for example the prime-time two-parter "Geh doch nach drüben" and the Planet E - documentaries "Gift im Container", "Tierversuche auf dem Prüfstand" and "3D - Ich druck' mir die Welt."

Germany South Africa
30 Min.
Director: Kristin Siebert
Script: Kristin Siebert
Cinematography: Boris Mahlau, Sebastian Wagner, Felix Korfmann, Eaton DeJong
Editing: Anya Schulz
Music: ----
Narrator: Susanne Grawe
Editor: Dr. Birgit Hermes, Volker Angres
Producer: Laura Sages (bilderfest) Alexandre Kegler, Sigrid Beck (ZDF)
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