"Wenn nicht ihr, dann wir" - Nina kämpft! Gegen Plastikmüll

The series "If not you, then us!" accompanies four children, between 10 and 14 years old, from different countries in their fight for a future worth living. 12-year-old Indonesian Nina is fighting against the import of plastic waste. She is fed up with her homeland being turned into a dumping ground for industrialized countries.


Director: Irja von Bernstorff

Irja von Bernstorff is an award-winning director, writer and producer of documentaries with a thematic focus on environmental and social issues. She has worked for ARD, ZDF, ARTE, ProSieben, NHK (Japan) and numerous NGOs. In 2013, Irja moved to Bhutan, where she became the first foreigner to create a 25-episode series for Bhutan's only television station, BBS. The filming of this resulted in her first multi-award winning cinema documentary "The Farmer and I".

25 Min.
Director: Irja von Bernstorff
Script: Irja von Bernstorff
Cinematography: Sonam Rinzin 
Editing: Kinley Tshering
Narrator: Saskia Glück 
Editor: Suedwestrundfunk
Producer: Suedwestrundfunk
Website URL: www.swr.de