Wildes Innsbruck

The film leads along an often indefinable border between two worlds and describes the inevitable encounter between man and animal in the mountains around Innsbruck. We encounter chamois, ibex, ermines and ptarmigans. They are all confronted with changes in their habitat, which have different effects from species to species. Some species surprise us with their amazing adaptability.


Director: Patrick Centurioni

Patrick Centurioni is a graduate biologist and has been working for several years as a cameraman and author for various nature film documentaries at home and abroad. His special interest is in the field of "Urban Wildlife". As an internationally acclaimed photographer, Patrick Centurioni follows the narrative of endangered animal species and accompanies them in their natural environment, which is increasingly mixing with culturally titled environments and poses new challenges for both animals and humans

45 Min.
Director: Patrick Centurioni
Script: Patrick Centurioni
Cinematography: Patrick Centurioni
Editing: Franco Marco Avi
Music: Jack Kitchen
Narrator: Lisa-Maria Sexl
Producer: Patrick Centurioni mit Unterstützung von Wildruf