
A Small Animal Very Large:

The tarsier is a nocturnal primate, only 15 centimetres long and weighing about 100 grams. It lives on the islands of South East Asia. Characteristics are the oversized eyes, very moveable neck and long hind legs, enabling it to jump long distances. The tail is needed for balance when jumping and as means of support when clinging on to narrow tree trunks.

As one of the classified threatened species (some are endangered even more), the tarsier is an eye catcher for the festival and enhances our current GREEN SCREEN poster.

The GREEN SCREEN committee is taking a different path. The puffin, which adorned the posters in 2007/08, and the comic figure of Volker Sponholz will still be around. From now on Palle will introduce one of his animal friends, currently seen on the poster and in the catalogue to the audience each year. Thus the festival can draw particular attention to rare and threatened animal species, and play a small role in the protection of our natural world.