Borneo’s Pygmy Elephants

Im dichten Wald Borneos, entlang des Flusses Kinabatangan leben seltene Zwergelefanten. Erst kürzlich entdeckten Forscher, dass sich bezüglich ihrer DNA deutlich von asiatischen Elefanten unterscheiden. Doch die Situation der Mini-Elefanten ist kritisch. Sie sind das Ziel erbarmungsloser Wilderer. Der Fährtenfinder Bert bemüht sich um die Rettung der Tiere. Er hat sich ihnen vorsichtig genähert und erstaunliche Verhaltensweisen der Zwergelefanten beobachtet.

Director: Joe Kennedy

Joe Kennedy is Creative Director of Table Mountain Films, based in Cape Town and London. He has over 25 years experience producing, directing and writing for all the major international broadcasters including the BBC, Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, National Geographic, PBS, Terra Mater Factual Studios, ZDF, ARTE, Canal+, Smithsonian Channel, NHK, ITV and Channel 4.

Beginning at the BBC Natural History Unit, Joe went on to make a successful career as an independent filmmaker, working across several genres including natural history, science, history, adventure and social documentaries.

His production credits include A Wild Dog’s Tale, White Lions – Born Wild, Wild Yellowstone, Killer Whales: The Megahunt, Slaveship Mutiny, Squid Vs. Whale, Great White Shark – A Living Legend, Ocean Voyagers, Deep Jungle, Secret Shark Pits, Borneo’s Pygmy Elephants, Sharkman, Supermole, Biggest Nose in Borneo, Animal Crime Scene, Octopus Hunter, Richard Leakey: Africa’s Wildlife Warrior, Wild Indonesia, Polar Bear Invasion, Search for the Coast Wolves, Running With Wolves, Bishop of the Arctic, Shark Night, and Animal Intelligence. His 33 City Profiles for FIFA World Cup 2010’s were broadcast worldwide to an estimated audience of 1 billion people.

52 Min.
Director: Joe Kennedy
Script: Peter Hayden
Cinematography: Michael Patrick Wong
Music: David Poore
Narrator: Sam West, Mohammed Din Mohammed
Editor: Naudene Leisegang, Martin Elsbury