Clean Energy - The Misleading Promise

Consumers are happy to pay extra for clean household energy. Citing concerns about climate changes Europe purports to require energy providers to reduce CO2 to a minimum by 2050. What lies behind that promise of clean energy?

Director: Steffen Weber

After longer stays in Tanzania and Munich, Steffen Weber returned to his hometown of Hamburg. After a traineeship at Altemeier & Hornung Filmproductions, he graduated with an M.A. in philosophy and studied Documentary and Television Journalism at the University of Television and Film (HFF) in Munich. Since 2009 he has been working as a freelance author and filmmaker for NDR, WDR and arte.

52 Min.
Director: Steffen Weber
Script: Steffen Weber, Inge Altemeier
Cinematography: Reinhard Hornung, Tobias Tempel
Editing: Reinhard Hornung
Narrator: Andreas Birnbaum, Beate Rysopp, Constantin von Westphalen
Editor: Kathrin Bronnert NDR/arte
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