The Source of the Runnel

Christoph goes exploring where the fresh water accrues from. Along the runnel he tramps through the forest. At the source of the runnel he realizes only upon a closer look, how much is going on there.

Director: Christoph Biemann

Christoph Biemann was born in Ludwigslust and grew up in Hildesheim. After he got his high-school degree, he was a guest-student at Harvard University (Cambridge/Massachusetts) and then studied at the University for Television and Film in Munich. He worked freelance for the WDR children’s programme from 1972 until 1979 and for the following ten years as a film director at Flash-Film, Cologne. He works at his own company, DeltaTVFilmprodultion, in cologne since 1990.
He works for the children’s programme „Sendung mit der Maus“ since 1972 and has been teaching in Siegen, Kuala Lumpur, Nairobi and Wolfenbüttel. Among the prices and distinctions he won are the Adolf-Grimme Preis and the Bundesverdienstkreuz.
Christoph is married and has 4 children and 2 grand-children.

Director: Sabine Ennulath

[translate:] Sabine Ennulath studierte u.a. Humanmedizin und war bis 2005 als Ärztin beschäftigt. Nebenbei war sie Regieassistenz und Co-Regisseurin bei diversen WDR-/NDR-/KiKa- und ZDF-Produktionen. Seit 2006 ist sie Autorin und Regisseurin für Sachgeschichten in der „Sendung mit der Maus.“

6 Min.
Director: Christoph Biemann, Sabine Ennulath
Script: Sabine Ennulath
Cinematography: Gerald Schank
Editing: Susann Martin
Music: Manfred Schoof
Narrator: Evi Seibert
Editor: Westdeutschr Rundfunk
Awards: Audience Award Best Short Film for Kids 2014
Nominations: Audience Award Best Short Film for Kids 2014
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