planet e.: The Value of Species Diversity


The massive worldwide disappearance of flora and fauna makes headlines. Destruction of habitats is the main reason for species distinction. Humans need clean water fertile soils and clean air as shown in this film about Peru.

Director: Thomas Hies

Thomas Hies, Jahrgang 1967, ist Produzent, Autor und Regisseur zahlreicher Dokumentationen, vornehmlich aus den Bereichen Wissenschaft, Zeitgeschichte und Zeitgeschehen. Seine Produktionsfirma DOCUVISTA realisiert seit mehr als 20 Jahren hochwertige Filme für ZDF, Arte und 3sat. Etliche Folgen der ZDF-Serien „ZDF Expedition / Terra X“, „ZDFzeit / Dienstagsdokumentation“, „History“, „planet e“, „reiselust“, „Abenteuer Wissen“ sowie der „3sat Wissenschaftsdoku“ stammen aus seiner Feder.

Director: Axel Gomille

After school I decided to back up my interest in all that lives with some solid knowledge, so I began studying biology. During some semesters abroad in the USA, I had the chance to work with alligators and to get to know the North American natural environment. For my diploma thesis, I conducted field research on the largest snake in Germany - the Aesculapian Snake. I worked as a biologist and field guide in Central India's tiger reserves Kanha und Bandhavgarh.
My experience in the field of film brought me to the TV-station ZDF, where I completed an additional apprenticeship as an editor. Here I supervised more than one hundred 45-minute documentaries for the series "Wunderbare Welt", featuring nature-related themes from all over the world. Since June 2011 I have been working in the editorial department ZDF.Umwelt / planet e., enabling me to further expand my repertoire as a nature and wildlife filmmaker.

Germany Peru
29 Min.
Director: Thomas Hies, Axel Gomille
Script: Axel Gomille
Cinematography: Michael Habermehl, Oscar Mujica Chacon
Editing: Sabrina Degenhardt
Narrator: Christian Brückner
Editor: Volker Angres (ZDF)
Producer: Alexandre Kegler (ZDF), Sigrid Beck (ZDF)