Gartenparadiese in Gefahr

Historische Parks im Klimawandel

Climate change is threatening Germany's unique park landscapes with drought, storms and winters with little snow. Trees are dying, pests are attacking plants. The landscapes composed by great garden artists are taking a beating. Particularly threatened are the parks of Prince Pückler in Branitz and Babelsberg, but also the world-famous Sanssouci Park.

This film will be shown online as part of "one film - one day".

Director: Wolfgang Albus

Wolfgang Albus has been working as a television journalist for Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg (rbb), formerly ORB, for over 15 years. His thematic focus is on science and environmental topics. He has worked on a daily basis in news formats and for magazines (OZON unterwegs). His documentaries for rbb "Wer hat Angst vorm bösen Wolf - Über die Rückkehr eines geschützten Raubtieres" and "Vom Mars zum Seenland - Die Internationale Bauausstellung Fürst-Pückler-Land" (From Mars to Lakeland - The International Building Exhibition Fürst-Pückler-Land) have their content set in Lusatia. In addition to his work as an author, he was in charge of editing the program "Theodor - Geschichte(n) aus der Mark" (Theodor - History from the Mark) and most recently the follow-up program "Erlebnis Geschichte" (Experience History).
He began his training as a trainee at the Rhein-Zeitung, one of the highest-circulation German daily newspapers published between Bonn and Mainz. He worked there for several years as a permanent editor and moved to Berlin as a correspondent for the paper until the government relocated, where he still lives today.

43 Min.
Director: Wolfgang Albus
Script: Wolfgang Albus
Cinematography: Guido Kilbert Donald Saischowa Christian Schulz Matthias Pfister
Editing: Gregor Wodarz
Narrator: Andreas Sparberg
Editor: Fernsehmagazine
Producer: rbb Studio Cottbus