Naturfilms nonstop for the Teenage Jury

Six young people were watching seven films to select their Green-Screen-Winner - the price ceremony will take place on September 6th.


 Kieler Nachrichten, 22.08.2014
By Uwe Rutzen

Eckernförde. The break for a short conversation with the press comes at an inconvenient time.  Julia Tiedemann, Judith Borowski, Katharina Köhler, Jon-Vincent Drewes, Bjarne Klockemann and Hannes Pries would rather continue viewing the films after the lunch break. After all they want to determine the winner of their prize before the end of the day. The six dedicated nature film fans are the teenage jury for the 8th International Festival Green Screen in Eckernförde.

The journey, on which the six young people go for a day, leads from Kongo to Fukushima. An expert jury preselected films for the prize categories from all submitted films weeks ago. Among them seven films which qualified for the prize of the teenage jury: Abenteuer Kongo by Heike Grebe, Der Bauer und sein Prinz by Bertram Verhaag, Jäger in der Falle by Berndt Welz, Meine Tante aus Fukushima by Kyoko Miyake, Strom 2.0 by Kristina Förtsch, Terra XPress: Bienen, Wespen, Hummeln - Was tun? by Klaus Sparwasser and Treibhauseffekt und Ozonloch by Michael Tewiele.

"Is the film well-made, interesting for teenagers and sends a message as well as being entertaining?" Jon-Vincent Drewes names some of the criteria which are important for him and the other members of the jury.  In addition technical criteria like camera, cut and sound are considered in the rating. After viewing four films no favourite has emerged. Some films start very well but are dragging on later. "So far we agree on the rating", says Julia Tiedemann, emphasising the competence within the group. Most of them have been members of the jury before. In addition some of them have taken part in the junior film camp in the Wildlife Park Eekholt and made films themselves.

The award of the teenage jury, including the prize money of 600 Euro, was donated by the Rotary-Club Mittelholstein. The award will be presented - like the other 15 trophies - on Saturday, 6. September, beginning at 20 Uhr, at the Kuhhaus of Gut Altenhof.